Accessibility Plan & Standards

In fulfilling our mission, Erie Shores HealthCare strives at all times to provide its goods and services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. We are also committed to giving people with disabilities the opportunity to access our goods and services and allowing them to benefit from the same services, in the same place and in a similar way as other customers.

ESHC has always had a very active and engaged Accessibility Steering Committee, whose role is to identify and address accessibility issues. Over the past year, a new barrier identification survey was completed, and a new plan was developed. In addition, The committee has worked very closely with the Municipality of Leamington’s Accessibility Committee to collaborate and get feedback on community barriers within the hospital.

Our Accessibility Policy

One of the most important initiatives we have taken on as a hospital this year has been to provide all of our staff and volunteers with training on new customer service standards. At ESHC, we are committed to excellence in serving all customers, including people with disabilities.

Our Pet Visitation and Service Animals in the Hospital Policy

Accessible formats and communication supports

We recognize that not all community members can access information in written format. Upon request, we would be happy to provide information about our Accessibility Plan, our organization and its services, public safety information, or any other required information in accessible formats or with communication supports at no additional cost. Please contact our Patient Experience Specialist at 519-326-2373 ext. 4118 or by email at

Our Accessibility Compliance Report

Language Line Services:

Many people with limited English-speaking skills are hesitant or unable to access healthcare because of language barriers. ESHC uses Language Line Services, an over-the-phone interpretation service providing interpretation in various languages. This service provides our staff access to interpreters 24 hours a day who are highly trained and certified in the medical field.